The first time it looked like he was beginning the teething phase was when he started to really put everything in his mouth… his toys, his fingers, our finger, Pearl! Everything was going right to his mouth. We knew we needed to get him some teething-friendly toys so that his gums would be massaged, but he was also safe when he put them in his mouth. Here are some of the teething-friendly toys we got him.
Montessori Toys
One of the first things we got for Brooks were toys that could also act as teething pain relievers if he were to stick them in his mouth. These Montessori-style blocks and pyramid were great - he could practice his fine motor skills and pattern recognition while also getting a little bit of relief. You can find a few similar options out there.
Nibbler Carrot
Another toy we got him was this nibbler carrot. It was soft but also firm to help his gums get some relief from the incoming teeth. He also used it as a toy when playing with his other blocks. This is one of the toys we would pack up in the diaper bag if we were going somewhere in the car or subway/restaurants so that he could use it on the go.
Crinkly Book
We have gotten a few of these crinkly books and Brooks seems to love them! They keep his attention with the colors, mirror, and different textures, but they usually also come with a teething ring on them. This is another handy travel item that we clip to his car seat or stroller for easy access.
Giraffe Teether
This is definitely one of our go-to’s. We have a couple of these teethers, one for the house, and one for the diaper bag so that we are never without it. Brooks loves this teether and it can be chewed on from both sides. It is really durable, but also soft and not a choking hazard.
Teething Rings
We have a bunch of these teethings rings and they come in a number of varieties. They are very similar to the giraffe teether, but a little bit softer and more bendy. Some come completely in a circle and others come unconnected. We have used both of these types and Brooks seems to like them equally.
Hylands Naturals
In addition to the toys and teethers, we also use some natural remedies as well. One of the natural ways we help him is just by taking a clean finger and rubbing his gums where the teeth are about to break through. Each time we do this he seems to relax a good bit and enjoys it. Another natural remedy that we use is Hyland's Naturals. We have been using this remedy for the last few months and it really seems to help. Whenever he starts to get fussy or doesn’t want to go down for a nap we know that a Hyland's Naturals tablet will help ease the pain that he is experiencing. Hyland's has two types - daytime and nighttime - and we use both of them.