Tomorrow is JUNE! June marks the month where I started this blog 8 years ago and it’s wild to see how much has changed since then. I used to come home after a long day at my office jobs and write away… it felt so rejuvenating and inspiring. There were no Instagram Stories, no term “influencer”, no Tiktok or Reels, it was such a different time and I feel like Iately social media has consumed my attention leaving me to neglect writing on here! Fast forward to now and I feel like life is moving at 100mph. With a baby it feels like 200mph. I look back at the last 5 months since becoming a mom and they honestly feel like a total blur! And I don’t know how I feel about that. I have this desire to remember every. single. moment. I know I take about 500 photos per day on my phone but I want to get back into writing… even if it’s just a quick journaly entry about my day so that I can look back and maybe life won’t feel like such a blur.
It’s hard to find time for one more daily task but I kind of want to view my blog as more of a fun creative outlet again. Maybe each night before bedtime, I’ll treat it as a journal. More like the “old days” of blogging.
We spent last weekend in Southampton, NY with our friends and it felt like an official kick-off to summer. I was telling my friends, Anna and Savvy, that I wanted to treat this summer like a 1990’s summer where the season felt more carefree. I want to spend the majority of my time with Brooks (my 5 month old) in the park, at the beach, exploring life, doing summer things because this is his only FIRST summer, you know? Not that he’ll remember any of it but because it only happens once (and I want to remember it). We arrived back home to the city on Monday and left again this morning for Newport, RI. My grandma lives here and I have some projects that need to be completed so it’s a little family trip mixed with work trip. We love living just a 3 hour drive away from my Grandma. We’ve been spending so much money on car rentals lately that we ended up buying a car again last week after two and half years without one. I know parking in the city will be a nightmare but it felt like it was time! I think we’re both really excited about being able to explore more of the state of New York and surrounding areas without the hassle of picking up a rental car and everything that goes along with that.
I’ll leave you with a few favorite photos from the weekend. 🙂

Loving Lately
all things blue & white

Reading Lately